Eleonora Borda

Vice-President for Business Development

Eleonora is a curious young scientist who has recently started a PhD in Bioengineering at EPFL. Her research focuses on the fabrication and testing of novel electrodes arrays to fight blindness.
In particular, she uses cutting-edge microfabrication techniques in a controlled environment and materials that are flexible and biocompatible in order to reduce the damage to the neurons around the implanted area. Her final goal is to contribute to the realization of a visual prosthesis that could go on clinical trial.

During the Master at EPFL, she grew her interested in understanding how to bridge the gap between scientific research and society. This is why she decided to work at the interface of academia and business by joining the team of Innovation Forum Lausanne in October 2017.
With this motivation and the idea of developing soft skills, she will take part in the organization of different events starting from the “Innovator of the month” interview and related publication on the IFL website.

Other team Members

Nadya Rofman

Marketing Manager

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Dr Sandra Sulser

Adivsory Board Member, Innovation Forum Lausanne

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Andrea Di Russo

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Daniel Migliozzi

Events Associate

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Matteo Bevione


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