Daniel Migliozzi

Events Associate


Daniel received his BSc in Engineering Physics from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) in 2011, and a double MSc in Biophysics and Bioengineering from EPFL (Switzerland) and Ecole Polytechnique (France) in 2014. He received his PhD in Microsystems from EPFL in 2019. He holds a double position as scientist at EPFL and R&D engineer at the Swiss Centre of Electronics and Microtechnology, and his technical interests include microfluidics and optics. Having been working on projects in collaboration with companies since its undergraduate studies, he joined Innovation Forum to organize events fostering the interaction between the academic and the industrial world.

Other team Members

Dr Manuel Fankhauser

Advisory Board Member, Innovation Forum Lausanne

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Claudia Bigoni

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Davide Coda

Associate, junior Imagine IF! director

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Matteo Bevione


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Paris Kosti


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